Crispin Kyela Mulaji, BSc, MSc, PhD.
Associate Professor
Former Secretary in charge of academic affairs - Faculty of Science (2016 - 2019)
Deputy Dean in charge of research - Faculty of Science (2019 to present)
Affiliation: Analytical Chemistry and Quality Control Division - Water Chemistry and Environment Division
BSc, Faculty of Science, Université de Kinshasa, 1999.
DES, Université de Liège, Liège-Arlon, Belgium, 2004
DEA, Université de Liège, Gembloux, Belgium, 2006.
PhD, Université de Liège, Gembloux, Belgium, 2011.
Thesis title: Use of household biowaste compost to Improve acid soils fertility of the province of Kinshasa (DR Congo), 2011.
- Analytical Chemistry, Quality Control and Environmental Engineering
- Rudology
- Environmental pollution and site remediation
- Organic fertilization of agricultural soils
Key words: Waste Management, Heavy Metals, Pops, Pollution, Chemical Analysis
Professor John Pote - Department F.-A. Forel for Environmental and Aquatic Science - Université de Genève, Geneva, Switzerland
This collaboration is in the field of waste management. Both parties are involved in research and supervsion of students' thesis students from Université de Kinsahsa and Université de Genève. As a result, several articles and thesis have been published.
Professor Gideon Odowu - Department of Chemistry - Federal University of Technology Akure (Futa), Ondo Sate, Nigeria
I am involved in the project titled: Microplastics and plastic-derived checmical contaminant in Africa: implication on human health and the loss of aquatic biodiversity. The project is funded by the Jennifer Ward Oppenheimer Foundation.
Scholarly Societies membership
Effective members of several learned societies including Société des chimistes du Congo (Sochimico)
AIGx : Association des Ingénieurs de Gembloux, Belgique.
SOCGL : Société des Chimistes des pays de grands lacs (Secretary, DRC section)
Comité national de suivi du Colloque Panafricain-Panaeuropéen ANSALB-COPED, "Chimie et ressources naturelles", Cotonou, Bénin
PACN : Pan Africa Chemestry Network.
Peer review activities
Frenquently provide expert inputs on scientific work on environmental science to be published in Elsevier journals such as Chemosphere, Environmental Management
Selected Articles
1. Bienvenu K. Mavakala, Periyasamy Sivalingam, Amandine Laffite, Crispin K. Mulaji, Gregory Giuliani, Pius T. Mpiana, John Poté (2022). Evaluation of heavy metal content and potential ecological risks in soil samples from wild solid waste dumpsites in developing country under tropical conditions. Environmental Challenges 7 (2022) 100461.
2. Michel L. Kapembo, Florent B. Mukeba, Periyasamy Sivalingam, Johnny B. Mukoko3, Mathieu K. Bokolo, Crispin K. Mulaji, Pius T. Mpiana, John W. Poté (2022). Survey of water supply and assessment of groundwater quality in the suburban communes of Selembao and Kimbanseke, Kinshasa in Democratic Republic of the Congo. Sustainable Water Resources Management (2022) 8:3
3. Joseph B. Tshibanda, Augustin M. Malumba, Pius T. Mpiana, Crispin K. Mulaji, Jean-Paul Otamonga, John W. Poté (2021). Influence of watershed on the accumulation of heavy metals in sediments of urban rivers under tropical conditions: Case of N’djili and Lukaya rivers in Kinshasa, Democratic Republic of the Congo. Watershed Ecology and the Environment 3 (2021) 30–37
4. Martin M. Kabamba, HonoréN. Mata, Crispin K. Mulaji, François B. Mbuyi, Jean-Pierre M. Elongi, Joel K. Tuakuila (2021). Human biomonitoring in the Democratic Republic of Congo (DRC): A systematic review. Scientific African 13 (2021) e00906.
5. W. Kasuku, G. Rudi, M. Nishar, M. Malumba, K. Mulaji, Lulali (2021). Study of the chemical composition of human placenta by the ICP-MS technique in plancetophagy. International Journal of Innovation and Applied Studies, Vol 31, 668-678.
6. Georgette N Ngweme, Joël NN Konde, Amandine Laffite, Guillaume M Kiyombo, Crispin K Mulaji and John W Poté (2021). Contamination Levels of toxic metals in marketed vegetable (Amaranthus Viridis) at Kinshasa, Democratic Republic of the Congo. Journal of Food Science and Nutrition 7 (2021): 087.
7. Georgette N. Ngweme, Dhafer Mohammed M. Al Salah, Amandine Laffite, Periyasamy Sivalingam, Dominique Grandjean, Joel N. Konde, Crispin K. Mulaji, Florian Breider, John Poté (2021). Occurrence of organic micropollutants and human health risk assessment based on consumption of Amaranthus viridis, Kinshasa in the Democratic Republic of the Congo. Science of the Total Environment 754 (2021) 142175.
8. Kabamba, M. M., Mata, H.N., Binti, K. F., Elongi, J. P.M., Mulaji, C. K., Tuakuila, J. K. (2020). Possible sources of exposure to toxic elements (As, Cd, Pb) in the population of Kinshasa, the capital of the Democratic Republic of Congo (DRC). Congo Sciences 8 (2), 1- 6.
9. Cleophas Mikobis Maleshela, Athnanse Kusonika Ndamba, Thierry Tangou Tabou, Shango Mutambwe, Crispin Mulaji Kyela, Willy Lusasi Swana, Victor Pwema (2020). Mise Au point et évaluation d’un système aquaponique domestique dans la Ville Province de Kinshasa (République Démocratique Du Congo). European Scientific Journal, August 2020 edition Vol.16, No.24 ISSN: 1857-7881 (Print) e - ISSN 1857-7431
10. Georgette N. Ngweme, Emmanuel K. Atibub, Dhafer Mohammed M. Al Salah, Paola M. Muanamoki, Guillaume M. Kiyombo, Crispin K. Mulaji, Jean-Paul Otamonga, JohnW. Poté (2020). Heavy metal concentration in irrigation water, soil and dietary risk assessment of Amaranthus viridis grown in peri-urban areas in Kinshasa, Democratic Republic of the Congo. Watershed Ecology and the Environment 2 (2020) 16–24.
11. Mata HK, Al Salah DMM, Konde JN, Kiyombo GM, Mulaji CK, John W Poté (2020). Level of Toxic Metals in Consumable Aquatic Plant Ledermanniella schlechteri from Congo River and Potential Risk Assessment through Plant Consumption. Journal of Food Science and Nutrition 6: 074. DOI: 10.24966/FSN-1076/100074
Contact information:
: +243 82 065 6983
Faculty of Science Building, Office A-26
av de l'Université - C. de Lemba - Kinshasa
Postal adress: P.O Box 190 Kin XI Kinshasa - DR Congo