(999) 1234 5678


Department of Chemistry and Industry


Emmanuel Kazinguvu Atibu, BSc, MSc, PhD.

Assistant Professor

Affiliation: Computational and Physical Chemistry Division - Nuclear Chemistry, Radiochemistry and Photochemistry Division

Contact information:

: +243 81 062 5947
Faculty of Science Building, Office A-26 (Interim Office)
av de l'Université - C. de Lemba - Kinshasa
Postal adress: P.O Box 190 Kin XI Kinshasa - DR Congo


B.Sc., Faculty of Science, Université de Kinshasa.
M.Sc., Faculty of Science, Université de Kinshasa.
PhD, Faculty of Science, Université de Kinshasa.
Thesis title: Evaluation de la pollution des zones minières du Sud-Est de la République Démocratique du Congo - Caractérisations physico-chimiques et radiochimiques des sols et sédiments de quelques cours d‘eau des provinces du Haut-Katanga, Lualaba et Maniema, 2021

Research interest

My interest in research is oriented towards environmental chemistry. My research is centered in environmental and radiological chemistry focusing on mining area. Specifically, my investigations focus on :
- characterization and distribution of inorganic and radioactive pollutants in water, soil and sediment matrix;
- identification and characterization of indigenous bacteria resistant to metallic pollutants for the bioremediation of contaminated sites;
- identification of plants that hyperaccumulate metallic pollutants with a view to phytoremediation. .

Key words: Metallic pollutants, Phytoremediation, radiaoactive Pollutants, Environmental Sciences.


  • Special questions of physical chemistry
  • Environmental geochemistry
  • Combustion
  • Remediation of polluted soils
  • Radioactive waste management
  • Advanced Remediation techniques and Pollutant Release

Scholarly Activity

Scholarly Societies membership

Effective members of several learned societies including Société des chimistes du Congo (Sochimico)

Member of the Environmental Management and Remediation Network (ENVIRONET) of the International Atomic Energy Agency (IAEA). Additional information on the network can be found follwoing this link.

Selected Articles

Emmanuel K. Atibu, João M. Oliveira, Margarida Malta, Marta Santos, Crispin K. Mulaji, Pius T. Mpiana, Fernando P. Carvalho, 2021. Assessment of natural radioactivity in the copper belt region, Kolwezi Province, of the Democratic Republic of the Congo. Journal of Geoscience and Environment Protection, 9, 1-20. DOI :

Emmanuel K. Atibu, Gregory Giuliani, Crispin K. Mulaji, Jean-Paul Otamonga, Vicky Elonga, Pius T. Mpiana, John Poté, 2018. Impact assessment of an area contaminated by abandoned mine: case of the Dilala, Mpingiri and Luilu rivers, district of Kolwezi, Democratic Republic of the Congo, Chemosphere 191, 1008-1020.

Emmanuel K. Atibu, Naresh Devarajan, Gregory Giuliani, Crispin K. Mulaji, Jean-Paul Otamonga, Vicky Elonga, Pius T. Mpiana, John Poté, 2016. Assessment of metal and rare earth elements contamination in rivers around abandoned mine areas. The case of Lubumbashi River and Tshiamilemba Canal, Katanga, Democratic Republic of the Congo, Chemie der Erde 76: 353–362.