Jean Sungula Kayembe, MSc, PhD.
Full Professor
Affiliation: Organic Chemistry and Petrochemistry Division - Biochemistry and Food Chemistry Division
BSc, Université de Kinshasa.
MSc, Université Cheickh Anta Diop, Dakar, Senegal.
PhD, Université de Kinshasa.
Thesis title: xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx, 19XX.
Chemistry and Biochemistry of Natural Products
Waste valoriation bio methane fermentation
Removal of pollutants by adsorption
Analysis of pesticides
Key words: xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx
Scholarly Societies membership
Effective members of several learned societies including Société des chimistes du Congo (Sochimico).
Selected Articles
1. Chalcogen Bonds in Small-Organic Molecule Compounds Derived from the Cambridge Structural Database (CSD). Crystal Structure Theory and Applications,
2021, 10, 57-69.
2. In Vivo Evaluation of Anti-Mycobacterial Activity of a Phytomedicine “MATHESIA” on Mycobacterium ulcerans: Influence of Alkalinity on the Activity of Antibiotics
Used in the Treatment of Buruli Ulcer. Open Journal of Medical Microbiology, 2021, 11, 47-57.
3. Computational analysis by mo-lecular docking of thirty alkaloid compounds from medicinal plants as potent inhibitors of SARS-CoV-2 main protease(2020). JCCMM
4. Synthesis and IR Characterization of Activated Carbon Acid Catalysts from Cassava Peels and their Use in Esterification of Free Fatty Acid in Palm Kernel oil.
International Research Journal of Pure & Applied Chemistry 21(8): 18-25, 2020; Article no.IRJPAC.57319.
5. Investigation of Factors Affecting Biogas Production from Cassava Peels by
Fractional Factorial Design Experimental Methodology. Journal of Applied Life
Sciences International. 23(2): 49-56, 2020; Article no.JALSI.56149.
6. Knowledge and Skill Assessment of Congolese Traditional Healers on Healthy and
Diseased Kidney. EC Clinical and Medical Case Reports 3.10 (2020).
7. Comparative study of co-digestion of composted mixtures of cassava peels and
coffee pulp with or without cow dung. International Journal of Engineering Research
and General Science Volume 6, Issue 2, March-April, 2018.
8. A Study of Oxalate Content of Some Selected Species of Hibiscus Cultivated in
Kwilu State/Democratic Republic of Congo. Journal of Scientific Research & Reports
19(4): 1-7, 2018; Article no.JSRR.38342.
9. Ethno-Botanical Survey and Ecological Study of Medicinal Plants Traditionally
Used Against Erectile Dysfunction in Democratic Republic of the Congo. Bioscience
and Bioengineering Vol. 4, No. 4, 2018, pp. 85-91.
10. Malaria treatment with plants remedies in Kinshasa. CONGOSCIENCES
11. Biogas Production by Co-Digestion of Cassava Peels with Urea : International
Journal of Scientific Engineering and Technology. Volume No.5 Issue No.3, pp: 139-
141.01 March.2016.
12. Synthesis and Antimalarial Properties of Three Substituted TrinitroTribenzylamine. Organic & Medicinal Chem IJ 1(3): OMCIJ.MS.ID.555561 (2016)
13. Activité anti-hyperglycémique et antiradicalaire des extraits des fruits de
Raphia gentiliana De Wild. (Arecaceae). Int. J. Biol. Chem. Sci. 8(6): 2441-2451,
December 2014.
14. Removal of methylene blue, bromocresol green and methyl red dyes from
aqueous Solutions by adsorption using Bryophyllum Pinnatum (Lam.) kurz stem
powder and its Activated carbon. CONGO SCIENCES. VOLUME 3| NUMBER 2|
15. In vitro Antimalarial Activity of 11 Terpenes Isolated from Ocimum gratissimum
and Cassia alata Leaves. Screening of Their Binding Affinity with Haemin. Journal of
Plant Studies; Vol. 1, No. 2; 2012
Contact information:
: +243 81 033 7072; +243 99 817 8146
Faculty of Science Building, Office XX
av de l'Université - C. de Lemba - Kinshasa
Postal adress: P.O Box 190 Kin XI Kinshasa - DR Congo