Joël K. Tuakuila, BSc, MSc, MPH, PhD.
Full Professor
Division Head - Analytical Chemistry and Quality Control
Affiliation: Analytical Chemistry and Quality Control Division - Pharmaceutical, Medicinal and Cosmetic Chemistry - Water Chemistry and Environment - Biochemistry and Food Chemistry
B.Sc., M.Sc. Faculty of Science, Université de Kinshasa.
MPH, Université Catholique de Louvain.
PhD, Université Catholique de Louvain.
Thesis title: Biomonitoring de l’exposition aux polluants environnementaux dans la population de Kinshasa, 2010
My research focuses on the toxicological aspects of occupational and environmental exposure to metals, the health effects of prolonged exposure to low doses, absorption from multiple routes, and gene-environment interaction. Aim of my research is to stimulate research on novel biomarkers of exposure, effect and susceptibility.
Key words: Toxic metals, Occupational and environmental Exposures, Human Biomonitoring, Biomarkers, Health Effects
Scholarly Societies membership
Effective members of several learned societies including Société des chimistes du Congo (Sochimico)
The (SCOT) Scientific Committee of Occupational Toxicology of ICOH (International Commission on Occupational Health). The ICOH’s mission is to promote research in all areas of occupational toxicology in which a current focus of SCOT is the use of biological monitoring (BM) in exposure assessment and intervention in workplaces and the general environment based on solid scientific and ethical principles.
The OCQ (Ordre des Chimistes du Québec) is the professional order that oversees the exclusive practice of chemistry, including biochemistry. The OCQ’s mission is to ensure the protection of the public by monitoring the competence of its members and the quality of the practice of chemistry, which is omnipresent in the lives of Quebecers. Under the law, the OCQ also exercises general supervision over the practice of chemistry in Quebec.
From the Scientific Committee of the BIOSOL project (BIOmonitoring humans and contaminated SOIL: comparative study of the influence of high concentrations of inorganic pollutants on the impregnation of populations”). The project is led by the “Environment-Health Cell” of the ISSeP (Scientific Institute of Public Service), an organization for research and monitoring of environments dependent on the Walloon government in Belgium.
Peer review activities
Frenquently provide expert inputs on scientific work on environmental science to be published in Elsevier journals such as Chemosphere, Environment International, environmental Pollution...
Selected Articles
Kabamba, M-M., Mata, H-N., Mulaji, C-K., Mbuyi, F-B., Elongi, JP-M., Tuakuila., J-K. Human
biomonitoring in the Democratic Republic of Congo (DRC): A systematic review. Sc African
2021; 13: e00906
Provencher, V., Béland, F., Galand, C., Fletcher, J-D., Tuakuila, J., Garant, M-P. Contribution of
Lifestyle Habits, Geographic Location and Type of Work to the Manifestation of Individual Frailty
Components in the Youngest-Old. Adv Geriatr Med Res. 2020; 2(4):e200021
Kabamba, M., Tuakuila, J. Toxic metal (Cd, Hg, Mn, Pb) partition in the maternal/foetal unit: a
systematic mini-review of recent epidemiological studies. Toxicol. Lett. 2020; 332; 20-26
Kabamba, M-M.,Mata, H-N., Binti, K-F., Elongi, JP-M., Mulaji, C-K., Tuakuila, J-K. Possible
sources of exposure to toxic elements (As, Cd, Pb) in the population of Kinshasa, the capital of
The Democratic Republic of Congo (DRC). Congo Sciences 2020; 8 (2), 1-6.
Kabamba, M., Basosila ,N., Mulaji ,C., Mata, H., Tuakuila, J. Toxic Heavy Metals in Ambient Air
of Kinshasa, Democratic Republic Congo. J Environ Anal Chem 2016, 3:2.
Tuakuila J., Kabamba M., Mata H. Levels of selected trace elements observed in the Kinshasa’s
waters. Congo Sciences 2016 ; 4(1) : 30-35.
Contact information:
: +243 819 347 828
Faculty of Science Building, Office C-18
av de l'Université - C. de Lemba - Kinshasa
Postal adress: P.O Box 190 Kin XI Kinshasa - DR Congo