Pius Tshimankinda MPIANA, MSc, PhD.
Full Professor
Former Vice Head in charge of research - Department of Chemistry
Affiliation: Computational and Physical Chemistry Division
B.Sc., Faculty of Science, Université de Kinshasa.
M.Sc. Chemistry, Faculty of Science, Université de Kinshasa.
M.Sc. Integrated management of tropical forests, ERAIFT, University of Kinshasa.
PhD Physical Chemistry, Université de Kinshasa.
Thesis title: xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx.
physical chemistry of biomolecules, medicinal chemistry, environmental chemistry, Sickle disease.
Key words: Wastewater Treatment; Antioxidant Activity; Phytochemicals; Pharmacology; Antioxidants Spectrophotometry; Natural Product Chemistry; Chromatography; Extraction; Nutrition
Scholarly Societies membership
Effective members of several learned societies including Société de chimiste du Congo (Sochimico)
Member of « Société française d’ethnopharmacologie »
Member of natural products research network of eastern and central Africa “NAPRRECA”.
Peer review activities
Editorial board member of : Annales Africaines de medicine Anafrimed, Journal of computational methods in molecular design; Asian pacific journal of tropical biomedicine ; Journal of coastal life medicine; Research Journal of medicinal plants; International journal of biological chemistry; International journal of pharmacology…
Metrics of productivity and citation impact of scientific publications
H-index: 36; I-10 index: 106. For details follw this link.
RG Score :32.53 For details follow this link.
AD Scientists rankings, For details follow this link.
World International Property Organisation WIPO, patent N° WO2011/064710 A1
(http://www.google.com/patents/WO2011064710A1?cl=en )
US. Patent Apr. 1, 2014 US 8,685,469 B2(http://www.google.com/patents/US8685469)
Developped and marketed products
Drepanolapha®, a nutraceutical with antisickling activity (http://www.sciencedomain.org/abstract/13663;
Selected Articles
I am author/co-author of more than 350 papers and seleted articles are presented below. Additional articles cold be found on google scholar link here or researchgate, here.
Bongo, G.N. & Ngbolua, Koto-Te-Nyiwa & Mbadiko Mutunda, Clement & Inkoto, Clement & Mpiana, Pius Tshimankinda & Gbolo, B.Z. & Tshilandaa, Dorothée & Matondo, Aristote. (2022). Phytochemistry and Antiviral activities of some fruit plant species as potential resources for anti-viral agents: A review. 3. 1-11.
Ashande, Colette & Djoza, Ruphin & Ngbolua, Koto-Te-Nyiwa & Nagahuedi, J & Ilumbe, B & Mpiana, Pius Tshimankinda. (2022). Étude ethnobotanique et vulnérabilité de Vitex doniana Sweet (Lamiaceae) dans la forêt péri-urbaine de Gbado-Lite, RDC. 179-184.
Kapembo, Michel & Mukeba Biduaya, Florent & Sivalingam, Periyasamy & Mukoko, Johnny & Bokolo, Mathieu & Mulaji, Crispin & Mpiana, Pius Tshimankinda & Poté, John. (2022). Survey of water supply and assessment of groundwater quality in the suburban communes of Selembao and Kimbanseke, Kinshasa in Democratic Republic of the Congo. Sustainable Water Resources Management. 8. 10.1007/s40899-021-00592-y.
Mavakala, Bienvenu & Sivalingam, Periyasamy & Laffite, Amandine & Mulaji, Crispin & Giuliani, Gregory & Mpiana, Pius Tshimankinda & Poté, John. (2022). Evaluation of heavy metal content and potential ecological risks in soil samples from wild solid waste dumpsites in developing country under tropical conditions. Environmental Challenges. 7. 100461. 10.1016/j.envc.2022.100461.
Musuasua, M. & Kabena, Odette & Kalanda, L. & Kangudia, B. & Mutembue, D. & Masens, D. & Mpiana, Pius Tshimankinda. (2022). Phytochemical Screening and in vitro Antibacterial Activity of Aqueous Extracts of Phyllanthus muellerianus (Kuntze) Exell from Kasaï Oriental (DRC) on a Few Bacterial Strains. International Journal of Pathogen Research. 22-33. 10.9734/ijpr/2022/v9i130217.
Mpiana, Pius Tshimankinda & Ashande, Colette & Inkoto, Clement. (2022). Natural Resources for Human Health Review View Article Online. Natural Resources for Human Health. 2. 10.53365/nrfhh/145511.
Ashande, Colette & Masunda, Adrien & Ngbolua, Koto-Te-Nyiwa & Kilembe, Jason & Matondo, Aristote & Inkoto, Clement & Gbolo, B.Z. & Lengbiye, Emmanuel & Tshibangu, Damien & Tshilandaa, Dorothée & Mpiana, Pius Tshimankinda & Mudogo, Virima. (2022). Glucose oxidase as a model enzyme for antidiabetic activity evaluation of medicinal plants: In vitro and in silico evidence. 1-9. 10.53365/nrfhh/144779.
Pius T. MPIANA 2006. Biophysique Médicale, tome I, Academic Express Press, Kinshasa. 352 p.
Pius T. MPIANA, 2010. Biophysique Médicale, tome I, 2ème Edition revisée Resud Edition, Kinshasa. 261 p.
Pius T. MPIANA, 2015. Rayonnements utilises en Médecine et Imagerie Médicale. Resud Edition. 207p.
Jean Paul NGOLUA, MPIANA Tshimankinda et MUDOGO Virima, Etude chimique et Pharmacologique de Drepanoalpha : Puissant complément alimentaire développé en République Démocratique du Congo, Editions Universitaires Européennes, Beau Bassin, Mauritus, 2019. 53p
Jean Paul NGBOLUA K.N., Pius T MPIANA et MUDOGO Virima, Pharmacopée Traditionnelle et Lute contre la Drépanocytose. Methode de selection et d’évaluation des plantes medicinales. Editions Universitaires Européennes, Beau Bassin, Mauritus, 2019. 57p.
Contact information:
: pt.mpiana@unikin.ac.cd; ptmpiana@gmail.com
: +243 81 811 6019; +243 99 888 9738
Faculty of Science Building, Office XXX
av de l'Université - C. de Lemba - Kinshasa
Postal adress: P.O Box 190 Kin XI Kinshasa - DR Congo