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Department of Chemistry and Industry


Analytical Chemistry and Quality Control

Analytical chemistry is a scientific discipline that develops and applies methods, instruments, and strategies to obtain information on the composition and nature of matter in space and time, as well as on the value of these measurements, i.e., their uncertainty, validation, and/or traceability to fundamental standards.

Our division offers theoretical and practical courses to train future analytical chemists to use their knowledge of chemistry, instrumentation, computers, and statistics to solve problems in almost all areas of chemistry and for all kinds of industries. Students will acquire necessary tools to enable them to obtain, process and communicate information about the composition and structure of matter.

An analytical chemists may conduct basic laboratory research, perform process and product development, design instruments used in analytical analysis, teach, or work in marketing and law. Although automation is limiting the demand for analytical chemists to conduct routine analysis, the human knowledge is still in need, especially when comes time for troubleshooting. The knowledge pf specific types of analysis (e.g., food, environmental, forensics) increases chance to secure a job as chemist. Sophistication of instrumentation devices and increase of regulatory requirements offer new opportunities for analytical chemists in a variety of areas:

  • Quality assurance specialists ensure that laboratories follow documented and approved procedures,
  • Quality control experts ensure the quality of the products that laboratories produce,
  • Chemists with solid technical and computer skills develop and use complex analytical techniques,
  • Government agencies need analytical chemists to verify compliance with regulatory requirements,
  • Entrepreneurial analytical chemists may start their own businesses, specializing in particular kinds of analyses or classes of compounds.

Research topics:

Division Head: Dr. Joel Kabengele Tuakuila

Biochemistry and Food Chemistry

Biochemistry explores chemical processes related to living organisms. It is a laboratory-based science combining biology and chemistry. Food chemistry is the study of chemical processes and interactions of all biological and non-biological components of foods.

Specializing in biochemistry, you will perform study on the structure, composition, and chemical reactions of substances in living systems and, in turn, their functions and ways to control them. Biochemistry becomes a separate discipline since scientists combined biology with organic, inorganic, and physical chemistry. They began to study the interaction of energy and food; the chemical basis of heredity and fundamental changes that occur in disease or infection.

Biochemistry includes the sciences of molecular biology, immunochemistry, and neurochemistry, as well as bioinorganic, bioorganic, and biophysical chemistry. Biochemists interact with scientists from a wide variety of other disciplines, and this field has applications in medicine, dentistry, and veterinary medicine. Other applications include food science where biochemists determine the chemical composition of foods, research ways to develop abundant and inexpensive sources of nutritious foods, develop methods to extract nutrients from waste products, and/or invent ways to prolong the shelf life of food products.

Other field of application include Agriculture (i.e. biochemists study the interaction of herbicides/insecticides with plants and pests) and in Pharmacology, Physiology, Microbiology, Toxicology, and Clinical Chemistry, biochemists investigate the mechanisms of drug actions; engage in viral research; conduct research pertaining to organ function; or use chemical concepts, procedures, and techniques to study the diagnosis and therapy of disease and the assessment of health.

Research topics:

Division Head: Dr. Mbongo Kimpanza

Biofuel Chemistry and Energy

Biofuels are any fuel that is derived from biomass—that is, plant or algae material or animal waste ¬—. The idea behind biofuel is to replace traditional fuels with those made from plant material or other feedstocks that are renewable. Biofuel chemistry explores ways to characterize biomass and to develop chemical processes related to produce energy using biomass. Chemistry community has known for years that biomass is a sustainable source of energy and carbon.

Although there is a myriad of information enzyme systems and plant cell walls structure, application of this knowledge to biomass conversion into biofuels and useful chemicals has met limited success. The two most common types of biofuels in use today are ethanol and biodiesel, both of which represent the first generation of biofuel technology. Research is being carried out worldwide o develop next-generation biofuels made from wastes, cellulosic biomass, and algae-based resources.

The research in this area focuses in developing a fundamental understanding of catalysts, biocatalysts and processes relevant for production of fuels and chemicals from renewable feedstocks.

A chemist working in this area could expect to perform tasks such as engineering and multiscale characterization of biocatalysts, rational design and synthesis of novel heterogeneous catalysts, electrocatalysts and nanocatalysts and investigation of their catalytic properties & applications; design and optimization of catalytic and biocatalytic processes for renewable feedstock based biorefineries.

Research topics:

Division Head: Dr.

Computational and Physical Chemistry

Physical chemistry deals with the principles of physics involved in chemical interactions and examines how matter behaves on a molecular and atomic level and how chemical reactions occur.

A physical chemist is interested to understand the physical properties of atoms and molecules, the way chemical reactions work, and what these properties reveal. Their discoveries are based on understanding chemical properties and describing their behavior using theories of physics and mathematical computations. Physical chemistry is a good area for chemists who have a strong curiosity about how things work at the atomic level and enjoy working with lab instrumentation and machines.

Computational chemistry focuses on the uses the results of theoretical chemistry incorporated into efficient computer programs to calculate the structures and properties of molecules and solids, and applying these programs to real chemical problems.

Computational chemists use high-performance computing to solve problems and create simulations that require massive amounts of data. They must understand the underlying principles of a simulation, optimization, or other calculation to set up the conditions and parameters of their study and to ensure that the results are meaningful and properly interpreted.

Research topics:

Division Head: Dr. Zephyrin Gushimana Yav

Geochemistry, Mineralogy and Metallurgy

Geochemistry is a science of elements behaviour in the environment: mainly, but not only, in rocks (but also waters, gas emanations, extraterrestrial atmospheres, etc.). It applies chemical principles to deepen our understanding of the Earth system and systems of other planets.

Mineralogy is the study of the chemistry, crystal structure and physical properties of the mineral constituents of rocks.

Metallurgy is a domain of materials science that studies the physical and chemical behavior of metallic elements, their inter-metallic compounds, and their mixtures, which are known as alloys. The study of metallurgy can be divided into three general groups:

  • Process metallurgy: the extraction of metals from their ores and the refining of metals. A brief discussion on production of steel, castings, and aluminum is included in this section.
  • Physical metallurgy: physical and mechanical properties of metals affected by composition processing and environmental conditions. A number of chapters in this section specifically address this topic.
  • Mechanical metallurgy: the response of metals to applied forces. This is addressed in subsequent chapters of this section.

Research topics:

Division Head: Dr.

Inorganic and Materials Chemistry

Inorganic chemistry is concerned with the properties and behavior of inorganic compounds, which include metals, minerals, and organometallic compounds. While organic chemistry is defined as the study of carbon-containing compounds, inorganic chemistry is the study of the remaining (i.e., not carbon-containing) subset of compounds. But there can be overlap between the two fields. For example, organometallic compounds usually contain a metal or metalloid bonded directly to carbon.

Materials chemistry involves the use of chemistry for the design and synthesis of materials with interesting or potentially useful physical characteristics, such as magnetic, optical, structural or catalytic properties.

Inorganic and materials chemists are employed in fields ranging from mining to microchips. Their work is based on understanding of the behavior and analogues for inorganic elements, how these materials can be modified, separated, and used, and how new materials can be designed and made.

Although inorganic chemists compare their jobs to those of materials chemists, since both focus on exploring the relationship between physical properties and functions. But an inorganic chemist is more concerned with these properties at the molecular level.

Inorganic compounds are used as catalysts, pigments, coatings, surfactants, medicines, fuels, and more. They often have high melting points and specific high or low electrical conductivity properties, which make them useful for specific purposes. For example: ammonia is a nitrogen source in fertilizer; chlorine is used in the manufacture of polyvinyl chloride (used for pipes, clothing, furniture etc.), agrochemicals (e.g., fertilizer, insecticide, or soil treatment), pharmaceuticals, and chemicals for water treatment and sterilization; titanium dioxide is used as a white powder pigment in paints, coatings, plastics, paper, inks, fibers, food, and cosmetics.

Research topics:

Division Head: Dr.

Nuclear Chemistry, Radiochemistry and Photochemistry

Nuclear chemistry is the branch of chemistry exploring radioactivity, nuclear processes, and transformations in the nuclei of atoms, such as nuclear transmutation and nuclear properties. The transformation of atoms’ nuclei is associated with radioactivity and nuclear power. Trainees enroll in this program will gain radioactivity and nuclear power. Nuclear chemists can apply their knowledge in various fields of research, including nuclear imaging (in medicine) or nuclear engineering (in power generation). They are expected to improve the efficiency and safety of nuclear power sources and the methods of storing and disposing of radioactive materials.

Radiochemistry is the field of chemistry that studies the chemical and physical properties of radioactive materials. Radiochemists use natural and non-natural radioactive isotopes of elements to study properties and chemical reactions of non-radioactive isotopes. Radiochemistry is used to address technical challenges in a great number of areas including biology, environmental sciences, and medicine. Students enrolling in this program will be provided with knowledge to get a thorough understanding of both the theoretical and applied aspects of radiochemistry founded in basic sciences and mathematics.

Photochemistry is the study of chemical reactions induced by light absorption. Phytochemistry plays an immense role in nature. Photosynthesis, vision, and the formation of vitamin D are processes induced by sunlight. In general, photochemistry is used to describe a chemical reaction caused by absorption of ultraviolet (wavelength from 100 to 400 nm), visible light (400–750 nm) or infrared radiation (750–2500 nm). The Department provides a training that will enable students to gain in depth knowledge of concepts such as light-matter interaction, properties of excited electronic states and the principles and applications of photo-induced processes.

Division Head: Dr. Gracien Bakambo Ekoko

Organic Chemistry and Petrochemistry

Organic chemistry refers a branch of chemistry that focuses on the study of the structure, properties, composition, reactions, and preparation of carbon-containing compounds. Most organic compounds contain carbon and hydrogen, but they may also include any number of other elements (e.g., nitrogen, oxygen, halogens, phosphorus, silicon, sulfur). Originally limited to the study of compounds produced by living organisms, organic chemistry has been broadened to include human-made substances (e.g., plastics).

Petrochemistry develops the chemistry that focuses on how crude oil and natural gas are transformed into raw materials and other useful products. Today, such resources are considered an integral part of the modern economy which makes petrochemistry an incredibly valuable field.

Organic chemists spend much of their time developing new compounds and finding better ways of synthesizing existing ones. While professionals practicing in petrochemistry field develop more efficient ways of turning petroleum into useful products such as automotive or aviation fuel. This industry is product focused, an interest in business and a flair for sales can be helpful.

Organic compounds are everywhere. And an important number of modern materials are at least partially composed of organic compounds. Such compounds are central to economic growth, and are foundational to the fields of biochemistry, biotechnology, and medicine. Organic compounds include agrochemicals, coatings, cosmetics, detergent, dyestuff, food, fuel, petrochemicals, pharmaceuticals, plastics, and rubber.

All biotechnology products are organic based compounds, and some are produced using living organisms and bioprocesses for specific uses. Today, organic industrial chemistry is based mainly on petroleum and natural gas. Because these are finite raw materials, a lot of industry focus is on learning how to convert renewable resources (e.g., plants) into industrial organic chemicals.

The largest-volume petroleum products are fuel oil and gasoline. Petroleum is also the raw material for many chemical products (e.g., pharmaceuticals, solvents, fertilizers, pesticides, and plastics). The petroleum industry is usually divided into three major components: Upstream – Exploration and production; Midstream – Transportation and Downstream – Refining crude oil, processing and purifying natural gas, creating petrochemicals.

Research topics:

Division Head: Dr.

Pharmaceutical, Medicinal and Cosmetic Chemistry

Drug discovery and development, pharmacology, analytical techniques and drug chemistry combined altogether make Pharmaceutical Chemistry field. The Department has designed a training program that focus in chemical design process and evaluation of potential future drugs. Trainees under this program will be able to apply knowledge gained from course and hands-on lab experiences to the pharmaceutical industry.

Medicinal chemistry is the branch of chemistry that combines synthetic organic, pharmacology and other biological field for the design, chemical synthesis and development active pharmaceutical agents or biologically active chemicals. Our program in Medicinal Chemistry provides trainees with skills in the design, development, and evaluation of potential drug candidates. Medicinal chemists develop drug candidates in a drug discovery process through the selection and synthesis of compounds that establish structure–activity relationships and achieve efficacy and safety in preclinical testing

Cosmetic chemistry is a discipline that uses chemistry principles to combine and analyses chemical material with the aim to develop beauty products. Our program is designed to combine science and business principles for of cosmetic products. The program focuses on chemistry concepts and strategies from raw materials to finished beauty products. The program includes training on methods and techniques for the development of formulation, cosmetic production and also some key concepts of national and global regulatory principles of the cosmetic industry.

Division Head: Dr.

Water Chemistry and Environment

Water chemistry deals with the understanding of the chemical processes that affect the composition of natural waters and their suitability for human uses. Environmental quality and pollution issues that had a chemical focus and advances in scientific approaches and technology are some key areas of this field.

Environmental chemistry is the branch of chemistry that studies the transport, effects, sources, reactions, and fates of chemical compounds in the air, soil and water environments. The branch also includes the study of the effect of human and biological activities on the environment. Environmental chemistry includes atmospheric, aquatic and soil chemistry and the branch rely on analytical chemistry. Research conducted in this area explores way to determine how the uncontaminated environment works, determine chemicals that are present naturally in the environment, their concentrations, and their effects. To train environmental chemist, the Department provides a training program of key concepts on the understanding chemical reactions and equations, solutions, units, sampling, and analytical techniques.

Division Head: Dr.