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Department of Chemistry and Industry

About us

Message from the Head of the Department

Welcome to the Department of Chemistry and Industry! We are pleased to have you here.
In our Department, the students and faculty explore all aspects of chemistry to understand matter. The knowledge gained would enable the creation of new form of matter and the development of tools to control the behavior of matter. All this to serve our community and for the benefit to humanity.

Research groups at our Department focus on analytical, physical, and synthetic chemistry while other explore research themes that are at the interface of material sciences, energy sciences, chemical biology, and biophysics. Through the years, our Department has evolved to adapt to the evolution of the society and the advancement of modern chemistry. To address new challenges, new divisions have been created, existing ones have been modified to meet today’s challenges.

Our Department offers an undergraduate program and students are trained in different areas of modern Chemistry. Currently, the Department counts an important number of undergraduate students. We also offer graduate program where students can enroll for MSc or PhD program. The graduate program is designed to provide to students a solid base in research and prepare them to solve real world scientific problems.

In the academic side, our Department holds the most important number of PhD staffs in the world. To this end, my team and I are working to elaborate a strategic plan to enhance and foster our capacity in administration, training, partnership, and research.

The implementation of this modern website is the first step towards the digitalization, and the Department is seeking for partners to fund its efforts to move the Department forwards. Our Department intends to provide extra digital educational tools, learning Platform and course management system, to all admitted students. In collaboration with the Department of Computer Science and Mathematics, we initiate a program to develop digital tools to transform and optimize our daily operations.

In the training side, the Department has an increasing number of laboratories. Currently the Department houses 5 instructional laboratories (General Chemistry, Analytical Chemistry, Organic Chemistry, Inorganic Chemistry and Biochemistry Labs) designed to accommodate students. These laboratories meet today’s basic world standards. The Department is seeking for partners to move forward to further the modernization our facilities.

In the research side, new facilities are coming and are still required. The Department would like to design and develop a program with international partners and laboratories to bring chemistry to its cutting edge frontiers so that MSc, PhD, and Post-doc trainees can visit to complete their research work.

The Department have to develop a network to closely connected to industry and government at all levels. This should contribute to generating funds to support department activities. The Department through the faculty provides their expertise to industry to solve their problems, to government to develop social, scientific as well as environmental policies. In turn, government and industry could be advising the department and providing career guidance to students. Please take a moment to visit our website, check out the research interests of our Department, and the course and learning opportunities available to undergraduate and/or graduate students. Should you have any questions please do not hesitate to reach out either to myself Prof Blaise Mavinga Mbala ( Head of the Department or, Prof. Joseph K’ Ekuboni Malongwe (at Deputy Head of the Department in charge of Academic Affairs and Prof. Joséphine Kankolongo Ntumba ( Deputy Head of the Department in charge of Research.

Best regards,

Blaise Mavinga Mbala, Head of the Department of Chemistry & Industry.