(999) 1234 5678


Department of Chemistry and Industry

About us


Formerly established as the Department of Chemistry, the Department has evolved as chemistry to include new and emerging chemistry fields to tackle today’s chemistry challenges. The department has adopted the denomination of Department of Chemistry and Industry. Divisions have been remodeled and currently the department counts 10 divisions that support the theoretical and practical training of undergraduate and graduate students. At the present, the Department has around 400 students enrolled to its different programs. Their training is support by staff trained locally and internationally and the Department has the world record of having the greatest number of PhD staff that teach and carry out research.
The Department houses 5 instructional laboratories (General Chemistry, Analytical Chemistry, Organic Chemistry, Inorganic Chemistry and Biochemistry Labs) and 9 research laboratories (Analytical Chemistry and Environmental Toxicology, Computational Chemistry, Organic Chemistry and Energy, Natural and Medicinal Products, Organic Analysis and Synthesis, Chemistry of Oils and Essential Oils, Hydrochemistry and Environmental Chemistry and Physical and Food Organic Chemistry) that meet today’s basic world standards for training of students.
Our Department is prepared to embark on the road of transformation and renewal. The enrollments in the undergraduate and graduate programs are in constant increase and there is need to improve our facilities to acquire state-of-the-art facilities. The leadership is working on projects to attract funds to support strategic plans and research teams within the Department to further modernize the Department.

Prospective students


Would you like to make a difference and make the world a better place, then study CHEMISTRY!
Chemistry deals with matter and covers everything that we touch and come in contact with, and this science explores matter and substances that constitutes our physical world and how they can be transformed. As you see, chemistry is connected to several fields of science and engineering and chemist plays a key role in almost all sectors of modern life including food, pharmaceutical, energy, environment industries to cite a few. By their profession, chemists are able to contribute and bring sustainable solution to some of the greatest challenges that the human-kind is facing including issues like global health, food safety and security, climate change etc.
Join our Department to make a difference. We invite you to explore our website to find out more about the Department, its training and research programs.
Please do not hesitate to reach out to one of our faculty should you have additional questions.

We look forward to having you as part of our Department.

Stay safe, Stay healthy

The Department of Chemistry and Industry