(999) 1234 5678


Department of Chemistry and Industry

About us


The history of the Department goes together with the creation of the Faculty of Science. The Faculty of Science was established at the creation of the Université de Lovanium, today’s Université de Kinshasa, in 1951. The Faculty of Science was the first building of the university, built on September 26, 1954. It is worth noting that the first stone to be laid came from a wall of the Louvain Hall. To symbolize the continuity between the new university and one of the oldest universities in the world, 1424 – 1954 was engraved on the stone. The Faculty of Science officially opened in 1957.

Through this page, The Department is paying tribute and expressing its gratitude to all current and past faculty, scientific support and adminsitrative who contributed to through the years to our Department.

Department Leadership

Here are the professors that led the Departement since its creation.


Blaise Mavinga Mbala
2022 -


Augustin Mukaya Malumba
2015 - 2021


André Mukongo Mumbwa
2012 - 2015


Antoine Kimpanza Mbongo
2010 - 2011


Zephyrin Gushimana Yav
2007 - 2010


Christophe Mbombo Mulenga
2002 - 2006


Mathieu Kokengo Bokolo
1998 - 2002


Emile Okuma Kasende
1992 - 1996


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1990 - 1992


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1986 - 1990


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1982 - 1986


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1978 - 1982


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1974 - 1978


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1970 - 1974


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1966 - 1970


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19xx - 19xx


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19xx - 19xx


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19xx - 19xx