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Department of Chemistry and Industry


Undergraduate Training

The Department of Chemistry offers knowledge and research opportunities to those who wish to specialize in the area of chemistry.

Our faculty members and supporting staff are trained nationally and internationally and work together to provide an engaging experience that enables our students to gain valuable knowledge in chemistry and will be able to excel and solve real world problem.

Prospective students will have options to select an area of specialization that is describe in the ‘Division’ section of our site. Each division is well-thought and designed to provide the necessary background in the theory and practice of modern chemistry.

Graduate Training

The Department of Chemistry offers a program to study for both M.Sc. or equivalent and Ph.D. degrees. The study program includes theoretical and practical course that are well-balanced for training of students. The theoretical course is designed so that trainees will acquire in-depth knowledge in the area of specialization, as well as breadth in related areas.

Master of Science Chemistry

The M.Sc. program includes course work (typically 6 courses) and a significant research component. To graduate, student will have to submit a thesis and the program typically takes 2 years to complete.

Doctor of Philosophy Chemistry

The Ph.D. program trains students who holds a M.Sc. for possible careers in research, development, and teaching. Our Ph.D. program is a research degree, and it is awarded primarily for creative and original work. The students are expected to develop independent research. The successful student is expected to have developed skills as an independent, professional scientist. A series of graduate courses is required and will be selected to meet the specific needs of the student. The Ph.D. program require three to four years of study to complete.

Postdoctoral Training

Postdoctoral training is a program that offers recent doctoral degree recipient the opportunities to consolidate their professional development, build on their research and transition from student life to independent research.

Unfortunately, the Department does not have its own established postdoctoral program. Interested candidates could still get in touch with faculty that meets their interest in research. Our faculty still have the ability to hire and supervise postdoctoral trainees should funds be available.

Please note that to design and develop education at postdoctoral level, our Department is seeking for collaboration internationally and nationally to create and fund a Postdoctoral Fellowships Program that provides funding to the very best postdoctoral applicants. The postdoctoral fellows will be expected to contribute positively to research excellence at the university and help advance our department's strategic research plan. The program will be designed to attract national and international postdoctoral talents, to develop their leadership and help to position them as tomorrow’s research leaders.

Additional Information to come. Stay tuned!