(999) 1234 5678


Department of Chemistry and Industry


Research Area

The Department of Chemistry includes scientists that have been trained locally and internationally and they have multidisciplinary expertise in areas that span from fundamental Chemistry and chemistry related areas such as environmental science, engineering, medicine, and biomedical science. Below are some key research topics that are carried out within our Department.

  • Development of new synthetic routes towards small bio-actives compounds of interest
  • Detection and quantification of organic pollutants and heavy metals in our environment including in water, air and soil samples.
  • Development of chemical process toward bio-based products and Biofuels production using local sources including agriculture waste.
  • Nanoparticle research and development and analysis decomposed materials.
  • Purification and characterization of components in fragrance products.
  • Profiling, identification and characterization of bio-actives compounds from natural sources.
  • Separation science: HPLC, GC, semi-prep HPLC

The Department of Chemistry houses the following researcch laboratories:

  • Analytical Chemistry and Environmental Toxicology
  • Computational Chemistry
  • Organic Chemistry and Energy
  • Natural and Medicinal Products
  • Organic Analysis and Synthesis
  • Chemistry of Oils and Essential Oils
  • Hydrochemistry and Environmental Chemistry
  • Physical and Food Organic Chemistry

Facilities and Resources

The Department of Chemistry and Industry has 5 instructional laboratories. These laboratories meet today’s basic world standards and continued efforts are in place to further modernize our facilities.

  • General Chemistry
  • Analytical Chemistry
  • Organic Chemistry
  • Inorganic Chemistry
  • Biochemistry

Research activities are carried out in the following laboratories:

  • Analytical Chemistry and Environmental Toxicology
  • Computational Chemistry
  • Organic Chemistry and Energy
  • Natural and Medicinal Products
  • Organic Analysis and Synthesis
  • Chemistry of Oils and Essential Oils
  • Hydrochemistry and Environmental Chemistry
  • Physical and Food Organic Chemistry

To support the research and teaching activities, the Department has acquired and run the following equipment:

  • SAA
  • GC-FID
  • Spectrophotometer UV/VIS
  • Colorimeter (Visible)
  • PCR

Partnership and Analytical Services

The Department of Chemistry is willing to develop a network of national and international partners with a double objective: provide its expertise developed through the year and collaborate in order to attract funding to develop new research poles and to modernize its facilities. To this end, the Department is developing projects for the acquisition of state-of-the-art equipment. Potential partners can come from any sector including private, public, or not for profit organization. Any potential partner should feel free to reach out the Department office. Please also note our website could be a mean to present and advertise your products and activities related to the emergence of chemistry in country or globally.

Analytical Services
The Department offers analytical services to various clients including companies, and government department or agency. Our faculty has the necessary expertise in chemistry and related areas to solve your most challenging analysis problems. For inquiries, please reach out the Department Head who will provide guidance and connect to you the faculty member with the required expertise corresponding to your problems.