(999) 1234 5678


Department of Chemistry and Industry


Emile Okuma Kasende, BSc, MSc, PhD.
Emeritus Professor
Former Head - Department of Chemistry (1992 - 1996)
Former Dean - Faculty of Science (2003 - 2008)
Affiliation: Computational and Physical Chemistry Division

Contact information:

: +243 99 990 5757
Faculty of Science Building, Office B-xx
av de l'Université - C. de Lemba - Kinshasa
Postal adress: P.O Box 190 Kin XI Kinshasa - DR Congo


B.Sc., Faculty of Science, Université de Kinshasa.
PhD, Katholieke Universiteit Leuven, Leuven, Belgium.
Thesis title: xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx xxxxxxxxxxxxx xxxxxxxxxx, 1984

Research interest

Studies of non-covalent interactions by computational and experimental methods.

Key words: monofunctional heterocyclic bases, hydrogen-bond interaction, computational methods, experimental methods.

Other activities

I have been a visiting scholar in a number of educational institutions. These visits were made possible by awards received from funders including DAAD, TWAS-UNESCO, Fulbright... Details are provided below:

- 2015-2016 Fulbright Visiting Scholar, Utah State University, Logan, USA.
- 2011, VLIR Fellowship, University of Brussels, Belgium.
- 2010, KUL Fellowship, University of Leuven, Belgium.
- 2006, DAAD Fellowship, University of Wurzburg, Germany.
- 2004, TWAS-UNESCO Associateship, University of Botswana, Gaborone, Botswana.
- 2002, DAAD Fellowship, SF-Forschungszentrum für Umwelt und Gesundheit, Munich, Germany.
- 2001, UNESCO Fellowship, University of Pretoria, Republic of South Africa.
- 2000, TWAS-UNESCO Associateship, H.E.J. Research Institute of Chemistry, University of Karachi, Pakistan.
- 1996, DAAD Fellowship, Max-Planck-Institut für Kohlenforschung, Mülheim an der Ruhr, Germany.
- 1994, Senior Fulbright Scholarship, University of Florida, Gainesville, USA.
- 1988, TWAS Fellowship, University of Trieste, Italy.
- 1987, KUL Fellowship, University of Leuven (KUL), Leuven, Belgium.
- 1986, DAAD Fellowship, Technical university of Munich, Munich, Germany.


  • General Chemistry
  • Physical Chemistry
  • Statistical Thermodynamics
  • Molecular Symmetry and Vibration Spectrometry
  • Mass Spectrometry
  • Gas Chromatography
  • Biophysics
  • Biochemistry,
  • General Physics

Scholarly Activity

Scholarly Societies membership

Effective members of several learned societies including Société des chimistes du Congo (Sochimico)

Selected Articles

1. Computational study of the ring opening mechanism of substituted temolozolomide, TMZ-R (R = Cl, OH, CF 3 ) in water solvent, Romain Mavudila , Jules Tshishimbi Muya, Chung Hoeil , Okuma Emile Kasende Chemical Physics Letters, 2019, 732, 136651.

2. Theoretical study on coordination of methanol clusters to 3-methyl-4-pyrimidone, Mayaliwa Muzomwe, Jules Tshishimbi Muya, Chung Hoeil, Okuma Emile Kasende, Struct Chem. 2018, 29, 1-8.

3. Interactions between temozolomide and guanine and its S and Se-substituted analogues, Okuma Emile Kasende, Aristote Matondo, Jules Tshishimbi Muya, Steve Scheiner Int. J. Quant. Chem. 2017, 117, 157-169.

4. Interactions of Nucleic Acid Bases with Temozolomide. Stacked, Perpendicular, and Coplanar Heterodimers, O. E. Kasende, V. de P. Nziko, S. Scheiner, J. Phys. Chem. B 2016, 120, 9347.

5. Interactions between temozolomide and Quercetin, Okuma Emile Kasende, Vincent de Paul Nzuwah-Nziko, Steve Scheiner, Struct. Chem. 2016, 27, 1577.

6. H-Bonding and Stacking Interactions between Chloroquine and Temozolomide, Okuma Emile Kasende, Vincent de Paul N. Nziko, and Steve Scheiner, Int. J. Quant. Chem. 2016, 116, 1196.

7. Hydrogen bonded and stacked geometries of the temozolomide dimer, Okuma Emile Kasende, Jules Tshishimbi Muya, Vincent de Paul N. Nziko, Steve Scheiner, J. Mol. Mod. 2016, 22, 76.

8. Interaction Between Temozolomide and HCl: Preferred Binding Sites, Okuma E. Kasende, A. Matondo, J.T. Muya, S. Scheiner, Computational and Theoretical Chemistry, 2016, 1075, 82-86.

9. Regioselectivity of the interaction of temozolomide with borane and boron trifluoride, Okuma Emile Kasende, J.T. Muya, S. Scheiner, Structural Chemistry, 2015, 26, 1359-1365.

10. Interaction between temozolomide and water: Preferred binding sites Okuma E. Kasende, Aristote Matondo, Mayaliwa Muzomwe, Jules Tshishimbi Muya, Steve Scheiner, Computational and Theoretical Chemistry, 2014, 1034, 26–29.


Molecular Complexes of Polyfunctional Heterocyclic Bases, LAP LAMBERT Academic Publishing, pages 200.