(999) 1234 5678


Department of Chemistry and Industry


Joséphine Ntumba Kankolongo, BSc, MSc, PhD.
Deputy Head in charge of research - Department of Chemistry
Affiliation: Organic Chemistry and Petrochemistry Division - Biofuel Chemistry and Energy Division

Contact information:

: ;
: +243 85 470 4596
Faculty of Science Building, Office A-29
av de l'Université - C. de Lemba - Kinshasa
Postal adress: P.O Box 190 Kin XI Kinshasa - DR Congo


B.Sc., Faculty of Science, Université de Kinshasa.
M.Sc., Faculty of Science, Université de Kinshasa.
PhD, Faculty of Science, University of Kinshasa - Université Catholique de Louvain.
Thesis title: Huile d'Ongokea gore (Hua) Pierre: caractérisation physico-chimique, analyse structurale de ses triglycérides et valorisation pharmaceutique et énergetique, 2015

Research interest

For centuries, human being has used plants to support therapy of various diseases making plants as an exciting source to be exploited in the discovery of new medicine. My research focuses on the identification of plants bearing biological activity to be used for preventive and therapeutic effects against chronic human diseases including malaria, cancer, diabetes.

In addition, my research group explores means to develop renewable fuels from wastewater, cellulosic biomass and microbial reactors.

Finally, another aspect of my research interest includes food research. My group is interested in developping methods and techniques to support the use of vegetable oil produced locally. Vegetable oils are recognized for their health benefits and their essential nutrients are vital for growth and metabolism, brain cells protection, heart diseases risk reduction …

Key words: Natural products, Secondary metabolites, Drug Discovery, Renewable Energy, Biomass, Microbial reactors, Vegetal Oil, Health Benefits


  • Organic Chemistry
  • Biofuels Chemistry and Synthesis
  • Biofuels and Energy Systems
  • Novel and Renewable Energy
  • Petrochemistry and catalysis

Scholarly Activity

Scholarly Societies membership

Effective members of several learned societies including Société des chimistes du Congo (Sochimico)

Académie Congolaise des Sciences (ACCOS).

Institut Congolais de Recherche en Développement et Etudes Stratégiques (ICREDES).

Association congolaise pour l’Avancement de la Science, de la Technologie et de l’Industrie (ACASTI).

Association des Femmes Professeurs de la RDC (CSK/AFEMPROF).

Women in Research and Development (WRD).

Centre de Recherche et d’Etudes en Sciences Humaines (CRESH).

Selected Articles

Mulula, A; Bouzina, A; Mambu, H; Ntumba, J; Vangu, Emmanuel; Arsene, Tunga; Tshingamb, Milka; Taba, Kalulu. (2021). HPLC Fingerprint profile and Antioxidant, Antibacterial Activities of Methanol Extract of Strophanthus hispidus DC (Stem bark). IOSR Journal of Applied Chemistry. 14. 21-27. 10.9790/5736-1411012127.

Kankolongo Ntumba, Joséphine; Tshiongo, Christian; Mifundu, Michel; Robiette, Raphaël; Taba, Kalulu. Effective Antimalarial Activities of α-Hydroxy Diynes Isolated from Ongokea gore. In: Planta Medica, Vol. 84, no.11, p. 806-812 (2018). doi:10.1055/s-0043-124974.

Ntumba, J. K. ; Mulula, A. ; Kashishi, K. T. ; Mifundu, M. N. ; Robiette, Raphaël ; Taba, K. M.. Physicochemical Properties of Diacetylenic Light Fuel Oil from Congolese Oleaginous PlantOngokea gore(Hua) Pierre. In: Journal of Applied Chemistry, Vol. 2017, p. 1-6 (2017). doi:10.1155/2017/7176317.1

Ntumba Kankolongo, Joséphine ; Taba, Kalulu ; Robiette, Raphaël. L’huile d’Ongokea Gore (isano) : Analyse de sa composition chimique et valorisation par dérivatisation. In: Chimie Nouvelle, Vol. 2014, no. 117, p. 12-20 (2014).