(999) 1234 5678


Department of Chemistry and Industry


Omer Mvele Muamba, Dr. rer. nat.
Full Professor
Former Vice-Dean for Research, Faculty of Science (April 2013 – October 2019)
Affiliation: Computational and Physical Chemistry

Contact information:

: +243 99 994 4645
Faculty of Science Building, Office C-17b
av de l'Université - C. de Lemba - Kinshasa
Postal adress: P.O Box 190 Kin XI Kinshasa - DR Congo


B.Sc., Faculty of Science, Université Nationale du Zaïre, Kinshasa (1976).
Doktor der Naturwissenschaften, Dr. rer. nat., Universität zu Köln - Cologne, Germany.
Thesis title: Nonradiative decay in mixed amminechromium (III) complexes, 1985.
Postdoctoral appointments, University of Pennsylvania, Philadelphia, PA (USA) (1987 – 1990)

Research interest

  • Photochemical studies in solids, solutions, biological molecules
  • kinetics of excited states
  • Spectroscopic studies of intermolecular interactions
  • Chemical issues related to local environment

Key words: structure and dynamics, photophysical processes, kinetics, modeling, nanostructures)


  • General Chemistry (Atoms and Molecules, Chemical Thermodynamics)
  • Physical Methods of Analysis
  • Scientific English
  • Special Topics: Photochemistry and Photophysics, Optical Spectroscopy

Scholarly Activity

Scholarly Societies membership

Effective members of several learned societies including Société des chimistes du Congo (Sochimico)

Selected Articles

Gracien Bakambo Ekoko, Pierre Osomba Lohohola, Jérémie Lunguya Muswema, Hercule Mulenda Kalele, Omer Muamba Mvele, Joseph Kanza-Kanza Lobo, and Désiré Kabuya Tshibangu. Characterization of Supermagnetic Cobalt Ferrite Submicrometer Particles Fabricated Under Gamma Irradiation Advances in Materials, 2021, Volume 10, Issue 1, 5-11.

Jérémie L. Muswema, Gracien B. Ekoko, Joseph K.-K. Lobo, Omer M. Mvele, Hercule M. Kalele, Antoine K. Mbongo, Gérard N. Mata, Gamma-radiation induced synthesis of spinel Co3O4 nanoparticles, SN Applied Sciences, 2019, doi : 10.1007/s42452-019-0342-6.

Toto Mabiala Masiala, Albert Kazadi Mukenga Bantu, Gracien Ekoko Bakambo, Jérémie Muswema Lunguya, Joseph Lobo Kanza Kanza, Omer M. Mvele, Influence of pH preparation on the photo-response of electrodeposited Titanium Dioxide (TiO2) thin films, International Journal of Materials Science And Applications, 2016 Vol. 5(5), 207-213, doi : 10.11648/j.ijmsa.201605.15.

Gracien Bakambo, Joseph Kanza Kanza Lobo, Omer M. Mvele, Jérémie Lunguya Muswema, Jean-Felix Senga Yamambe, Peter Kimpende Mangwala, Gamma irradiation inducing the synthesis of magnetic Fe3O4 nanorod particles in alkaline medium, International Journal of Materials Science and Applications, 2014 Vol. 3(6), 339-343, doi : 10.11648/j.ijmsa.20140306.20.

Ekoko Bakambo, Lobo Kanza Kanza, Mvele Muamba, Mbongo Kimpanza, Muswema Lunguya, Mangwala Kimpende, Preparation of multinanoporous TiO2 thin films by anodic oxidation: optimization of experimental parameters. Pan African and South African Meeting of the International Year of Crystallography (IYCr2014 Africa), 12-17 October 2014, Bloemfontein, South Africa.

Gracien B. Ekoko, Joseph K.-K. Lobo, Omer M. Mvele, Jérémie L. Muswema, JeanFelix S. Yamambe, Peter K. Mangwala, Exploration of the thermally prepared Iridium Oxide (IrO2) and Tantalum Pentoxide (Ta2O5) coated titanium anode in the oxygen evolution reactions (OER). International Journal of Materials Science and Applications, 2014 Vol. 3, 1-6,.doi : 10.11648/j.ijmsa.s.201430601.11.

Gracien B. Ekoko, Joseph K-K. Lobo, Omer M. Mvele, Jérémie L. Muswema, JeanFélix S. Yamambe. Effect of an external applied potential on the photocatalytic 3 properties of manganese-doped titanium dioxide. American Journal of Physical Chemistry, 2014 Vol.3, N°4, 41-46.

Gracien B. Ekoko, Joseph K-K. Lobo, Omer M. Mvele, Antoine K. Mbongo, Jérémie L. Muswema and Clarisse Z. Lefuni. Optimization of experimental parameters in preparing multinanoporous TiO2 thin films by the anodic oxidation method. S. Afr. J. Chem., 2013, 66, 1-6.

Bokolo, M.K., Mvele, O.M., Mbakata, M. Contribution à l’étude de la qualité et de la pollution des eaux souterraines de la ville de Kinshasa. Première partie : étude chimique et bactériologique des eaux de source du site de Mandela. Ann. Fac. Sci. Université de Kinshasa, 2005, Vol. 1, 141.

Mvele, O.M. On the deactivation of excited glyoxal in the presence of foreign gases. Rev. Cong. Sci. Nucl. 2004, Vol. 20 (1&2), 113.

Mvele, O.M. Heterogeneous chromium (III)-amminecomplexes : thermal behaviour of the phosphorescence at low temperature, Rev. Cong. Sci. Nucl.,2004, Vol. 20 (1&2), 118.

Kunyima, A.B., and Mvele, O.M. Fluorescence polarization of 3-(1 – pyrenyl) propyltrimethylammonium bromide (P3N) molecules adsorbed on Laponite surface in aqueous dilute suspension. Ann. Fac. Sci. Université de Kinshasa, 1997 n°3 (spéc.), 225.

Mvele, M., and Wasgestian, F. Nonradiative decay in mixed amminechromium (III) complexes. Spectrochim. Acta, 1986, A42, 775.

Mvele, M., and Wasgestian, F. Isotope effect on the nonradiative decay in mixed amminechromium (III) complexes. Inorg. Chim. Acta, 1986, 119, 25.